Personalized Medicine Congress 2018, we warmly invite you to participate at 10th World Congress on Precision and Personalized Medicine during October 05-06, 2018 Osaka, Japan.

10th World Congress on Precision and Personalized Medicine will provide an opportunity to hear and meet Researchers, Practitioners, and Business Professionals to share expertise, foster collaborations and assess rising innovations across the world. This will be equally informative for participants who attend this meeting as well as a for key opinion leaders who want to brush up on their knowledge outside their own area of specialization.

This Conference will provide a forum for exchange of ideas and authoritative views by leading scientists as well as business leaders and investors in this exciting field. Outstanding keynote speakers and well known leading scientists and experts from around the globe will be expected to share their knowledge. When becoming our partner, we will do our outmost to satisfy your needs for involvement and exposure. Our sponsor packages offer pre-defined exposure opportunities, but don’t hesitate to bring us your personal requests.

The main theme of Personalized Medicine Congress 2018 is “Current Trends and Future Directions of Personalized Medicine”.

We have the pleasure to invite and welcome you for the participation to our exciting conference. Let us meet in one of the most glorious cities in the world.

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Best Regards,

Personalized Medicine Congress 2018


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